Logo of Muncy Sophomore Class

Muncy Sophomore Class

Fundraising • Muncy, PA

With Terri Lynn Fundraising

Thank you for visiting our Terri Lynn Nut Sale Webstore. You can help us reach our fundraising goal by purchasing these delicious nuts, snacks, and chocolates. They will be shipped directly to you with a convenient, low priced shipping fee of only $5.00. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gotshall at the high school.

A portion of every product sold on this fundraising website benefits Muncy Sophomore Class!

Orders to each person ship FREE anywhere in the U.S. when their items total $30 or more!

$3,000.00 $739.22

Help us reach our goal!

We are at 24% and need to raise $2,260.78 to achieve our goal.

Featured Products

You can feel better about your snacking when you know you’re eating premium gourmet products, and that a portion of every product we sell benefits Muncy Sophomore Class.

Terri Lynn Product - Deluxe Mix

Deluxe Mix

$15.75 (1 lb. Bag)  • Roasted and Salted

Deluxe Mix
Qnty. Send to
Terri Lynn Product - Giant Cashews

Giant Cashews

$15.35 (1 lb. Bag)  • Roasted and Salted

Giant Cashews
Qnty. Send to
Terri Lynn Product - Sweet and Salty Trail Mix

Sweet and Salty Trail Mix

$12.50 (1 lb. Bag)

Sweet and Salty Trail Mix
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Terri Lynn Product - Fancy Mammoth Pecan Halves

Fancy Mammoth Pecan Halves

$19.25 (1 lb. Bag)  • Natural

Fancy Mammoth Pecan Halves
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Terri Lynn Product - Spicy Party Mix

Spicy Party Mix

$10.50 (1 lb. Bag)

Spicy Party Mix
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Terri Lynn Product - Milk Chocolate Pecan Clusters

Milk Chocolate Pecan Clusters

$13.95 (9 oz. Box)

Milk Chocolate Pecan Clusters
Qnty. Send to

Raise Money for Your Group, All Year Long

Terri Lynn Fundraising helps you raise money fast with a FREE, personalized webstore just for your group. There are no sellers required. There is no order taking or product to distribute, and there's no cost to your organization.